We are NOSi

Over 25 years of experience in the area of Digital Governance, operating in both national and international markets, NOSi designs innovative solutions for digital transformation, whether for the public or private sector, relying on high-qualified technicians and modern technological platforms, web-oriented and adaptable to customer needs.



We believe in transparency, ethics, responsibility and trust, commitment, innovation and entrepreneurship, integration, teamwork, human and cultural diversity, results and promptness for change.



Lead the digital transformation within the Cabo Verdean public sector improving the lives of citizens and promoting innovative collaborations between enterprises.



Be a key player in the Fast IT era in Cabo Verde, leveraging the best technological solutions and placing them towards a more responsive and inclusive public service.

It all began with the foundation of the State Financial Administration Reform Unit (RAFE) in 1998. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, the e-Government (e-Gov) in Cabo Verde took its first steps to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the Public Administration
  • 2000 Bonus

    System that allows the management of low-interest loans quickly, securely, and automatically. 

  • 2000 Customs Exemptions (SCIA)

    Performs the integration of the various entities involved in import processes carried out by the economic sectors benefitting from customs duty exemptions. 

  • 2000 Evaluation Tracking (Indicator and Metadata Management) - M&E

    Allows logical and coherent management of indicators and their metadata to ensure the following indicator quality criteria. 

  • 2000 Human Resource (HR)

    Allows the management of the State's Human Resources, enabling automatic payment and salary management dispersal. Each sector now makes its own salary payments. 

  • 2000 Integrated Georreferenced Assets Management System (SIGPG)

    Provides a set of information and functionalities on the State's assets, enabling services and managing entities, in a devolved manner, to access and manage the assets allocated to them. 

  • 2000 Integrated System for Budgetary and Financial Management (SIGOF)

    A budget preparation, execution, and monitoring tool for the State Budget at all levels - Central Government, Local Government, and Autonomous Funds and Services - for better budget and financial management of the State, bringing transparency and celerity to decision-making and analysis report processing.  

  • 2000 Revenue Management

    Budget control, expenditure management, revenue management, and management of public accounts. 

  • 2000 Tax Justice

    It manages an executive process with several steps and each one is controlled by a responsible entity, and eventually outputs the business report. 

  • 2000 Treasury Banking

    Allows centralizing public resources to lead to a better management and rationalization of revenue and expenditure flow through a system that, in a holistic way, enables a modern and effective Banking Service, including the Execution, Monitoring, Control and Registration of the State's Operations. Standardization and simplification of collection processes, introducing a Single Collection Document (DUC). 

  • 2001 Computerization of the Notary's Identification Register (RNI)

    Made it possible to integrate Information Systems for e-governance by feeding the entire State Information System at the Cadastral level. 

  • 2002 Municipal Information System (SIM)

    Allows greater efficiency and effectiveness to municipalities' financial management through both budget management of municipalities and financial execution of some municipal services. The financial execution is done from a budget execution perspective, i.e., the commitment of its revenues and expenses, and not from a procedural perspective. The solution includes functionality for Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Taxes and Fees Management, Licensing, Land Management, Property Rights Management, Report Management and Management Accounts. 

  • 2003 Notary's Information System (SIN)

     Ensures efficiency, celerity and transparency in legal and juridical processes related, especially, to the real estate business. It also ensure legal title and underlying legal reasons, as well as the monthly, quarterly, and annual accounting of revenues derived from emoluments due.

  • 2004 Food and Medication Management System

    Its objective is to "seek a balance between the economic interests of food and pharmaceutical companies and the price/quality ratio as a determining factor in consumer decisions. ARFA's regulation includes human medicines, cosmetics, chemical-pharmaceutical products, biocides, human and veterinary foods, foods with functional properties and novel foods, supplements and food additives."

  • 2006 Dematerialization of the Notary Identity Register (RNI)

    Made it possible to digitize the entire ID file into digital format. 

  • 2007 Online Certificates

    Made possible to issue certificates electronically regardless of where you are on national territory or abroad through the portal "porton di nos Ilha" - "porton di nos Ilha". www.portondinosilha.cv

  • 2008 Back-office applications at Casa do Cidadão (Citizen’s House)

    Public Administration tool used at Casa do Cidadão (Citizen’s House) for services provided to customers.

  • 2008 Biometric Electoral Census

    Designed to use biometrics to collect citizen and fingerprint data, both domestically and in the Diaspora, and store it in a centralized database. 

  • 2008 Casa do Cidadão (Citizen’s House) and "Porton di nos ilha” Portal

    Cabo Verde's first One Stop Shop, which has brought a new attendance concept, through physical attendance channels (Casa do Cidadão), Web (www.portondinosilha.cv), and Contact Center. It has made State services easier, simpler and more innovative for citizens and companies, both national and international.  

  • 2008 Certificate of Admissibility (CAF)

    Complete solution to create a company allowing the approval of the company's name in a simple and tuned way, avoiding duplications and any disarray in this process. 

  • 2008 Company on Day (END)

    A simplified regime for business incorporation. Covers commercial companies (Quotas, Single-Member Private Limited Company, Joint Stock Company) within a maximum of 24h. 

  • 2008 Electronic Payments and Forms

    State payments using electronic means, namely debit cards (Vinti4 cards), at ATM's (Automatic Teller Machines) or through the portal www.portondinosilha.cv

  • 2009 Health Information System (SIS)

    Is an integrated technological platform that allows the different services and structures to communicate with each other, through interactions such as scheduling appointments and complementary analysis, sharing clinical and administrative information only, where the modules are designed in a standardized way and the information repository is centralized and flexible. It allows adaptations in particular cases, when identified. 

  • 2009 Integrated Pharmaceutical Market Monitoring System (SIMFAR)

    Underlying this is an integrated approach to the technical and economic aspects of the drug, namely by monitoring access, price and stock, and also by assessing quality, safety, efficacy and effectiveness. 

  • 2009 Integrated School Management System (SIGE)

    A unique model that connects Secondary Schools (ES) and Integrated Basic Education (IE) to a common system, maximizing communication, management and minimizing costs. The system allows ES and IE schools to improve their management by enabling rapid integration between them and students, as well as with parents/guardians.

  • 2009 Land Registry

    Streamline the property registration of large tourism developments, facilitating the registration process over the Internet. Easier and faster private-public relationship to legalize land in 48 hours.

  • 2009 National System for Civil Identification and Authentication

    It is conceptually a central and transversal system to manage identification, authentication, and citizen lifecycle in order to implement the latest and safest identification documents, namely the Electronic Passport, the Residence Permit, and the National Identification Card (CNI, PEC, and TRE). It facilitates the entire functioning of the State and security of public and private operations. 

  • 2009 Property Registration Special Regime System (SRERP)

    Automated registration of the entire process of disposition, transmission and encumbrance of tourist properties. Provides seamless integration of all parties involved in the transaction process from banks, lawyers, tourism enterprises, City Councils, Notary Public Offices and the General Directorate of Tax Contribution.

  • 2009 Social Letter

    It records social equipment and services details, helping to plan social public policies and interventions that are appropriate to the needs and new demands in the field of social protection.  

  • 2009 Student Integrated Management and Monitoring System (SIGAE)

    Important active tool to improve monitoring of scholarship vacancies, financial management, registration of scholarship recipients and tracking of them in Cabo Verde and in the diaspora, thus creating a common system, maximizing communication, management capacity and minimizing costs.  

  • 2010 IGRP Framework

    A tool for creating e-governance applications, based on business steps and processes, automatic code generation, and incorporating Once-Only-Principle (OOP). 

  • 2010 Integrated Social Insurance System (SIPS)

    Allows registering Worker Information, Taxpayers, doing Rights Management and Benefit Processing. 

  • 2010 National Center for Social Pensions (CNPS)

    It manages and allocates social pensions under the non-contributory system. 

  • 2011 Company Closure

    It enables the extinction and closure of a commercial company, either voluntarily or unofficially, within 48 hours, in one single face-to-face service counter at the Casa do Cidadão (Citizen’s House). 

  • 2011 Election Results Announcement Platform

    NOSi develops and provides customized platforms for the dissemination of provisional election results. The main objective is to enable voters, nationally and abroad, to follow the results quickly and on a multitude devices (media, web, mobile, etc.). A totally automated, transparent, and secure process which shares the results from polling stations all over the country.  

  • 2011 Pharmaceutical and Food Legislation Database

    It allows you to easily consult, according to several criteria and perspectives, the existing national legislation, as well as the existing international legislation related to these sectors. 

  • 2011 Simplified Business Licensing

    Processing and issuing of the following certificates: 

    • Simplified Licensing of Industrial Activity; 
    • Simplified Licensing for Wholesale Commerce; 
    • Simplified Licensing for Retail Trade;  
    • Simplified Licensing for Tourism Enterprises (ET) Travel Agencies (AVT); 
    •  Simplified Licensing for Construction. 
  • 2011 Social Interest Housing Beneficiary Registry (CUBIS)

    It manages the enrollment of the applications for the "Casa para Todos" program, to ease the process of pre-selection of the beneficiaries. 

  • 2012 Dematerialization of the Directorate General of Contributions and Taxes (DGCI)

    • Allowed the DGCI a quicker process;
    • Organizational improvement;
    • Enhanced form submission to the DGCI;
    • Electronic declarations;
    • DGCI agility in taxpayer information processing;
    • Timely information cross-checking;
    • Enhanced identification of internal processes. 
  • 2012 Foreign Trade Title (TCE)

    An advanced system to automate foreign trade operations, widely benefiting traders in general, customs brokers, and the services of the Directorate General of Industry and Trade. It facilitates foreign trade operations and improves the business environment.  

  • 2012 Land Registry Information System (SIRP)

    In a swift and secure manner, the company is able to register and publish acts and facts about the properties, in accordance with the land registry code, as well as to recover the records that were in books and files, associating the digitalized images of these. 

  • 2012 Telemedicine

    Essential instrument of the health system, to mitigate access inequalities to health care and complementary means of diagnosis, overcoming geographic and economic barriers. 

  • 2013 "Single Window" in Mozambique

    A designed solution implemented in the 5 provinces of Mozambique: Maputo, Cabo Delgado, Sofala, Inhambane and Gaza. The "E-Baú" simplifies the licensing process for any area of activity, namely Tourism, Industry and Commerce.

  • 2014 Changing Companies

    Quick and automatic object modification, incorporation, and immediate operation of commercial companies (Quoted, Single Partner Quoted, Limited Liability Company, Single Partner Limited Liability Company). 

  • 2014 Civilian ID System

    In conjunction with SNIAC, it collects and processes data from civil registries for birth, marriage, death and stillbirths, in a stream that connects civil registries and other information systems of the Government of Cabo Verde. It allows citizens to fully exercise their citizenship, promotes the provision of public services, easing identification and the citizen's relationship with the public administration. It processes and registers the entire events, the life cycle, of the citizen. 

  • 2014 Electronic Medical Prescriptions

    Released in the sphere of the health and social security system reforms underway and integrated into a single technological platform developed by NOSi, various institutions initiatives, such as the Ministry of Health, INPS, ARFA, Emprofac, Inpharma, private clinics, and the Order of Physicians targeting higher objectives such as user service and efficiency in resource management. 

  • 2014 Public Procurement

    By automating the public procurement process, we have increased transparency, speed, and management of public money, as well as healthy competition in the public procurement market, creating a healthy business environment for the country. Furthermore, it allowed the development of small companies and local development, grounded by the principles listed in the Public Procurement Code. 

  • 2014 Single Investment Window (JUI)

    One single platform that allows investors to interact with Public Administration, through a single "window" (point), to discuss investment issues in Cabo Verde, avoiding successive visits to various institutions.  

  • 2015 e-GOV1 - Health Structures

    A structuring project that envisaged providing the health structures with better connectivity conditions for a better provision of services. 

  • 2015 National Institute of Social Security (INSS) - São Tomé and Príncipe

    The National Institute of Social Security of São Tomé and Príncipe has modernized and computerized its processes through the development of an automated system for the management of all processes, benefits and contributions. 

  • 2016 Cabo Verde Electronic Passport (PEC)

    Set up in 2014, officially launched in 2016 in Praia, Santiago Island. The PEC meets international requirements and the highest levels of existing safety standards. 

  • 2016 Information and Collaboration System (SIC)

    Allows the internal management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies and consular offices. 

  • 2017 7 Wonders

    It registers all of Cabo Verde's natural treasures and elects the 7 Wonders of Cabo Verde in an open and participatory way. 

  • 2017 Criminal Information System

    Simplified the registration, identification and reporting of crime (where permitted by law). By registering the crime and subsequently issuing a Criminal Record Certificate online, issued by the Directorate General of Notary Public Records and Identification (DGRNI), as proof of the criminal record relevant to the purpose for which the document is intended, or the absence thereof.

  • 2017 Customer Service System (SAC)

    This system enables real-time information to be collected through user input regarding the level of satisfaction regarding the quality of the service provided by the attendant and the institution. The information collected is treated and presented statistically. Such treatment aims to provide the institution and decision-makers with qualitative and quantitative indicators and thus define guidelines to improve the customer service provided.  

  • 2017 Digital Secretary

    System of Automatic Seriation and Management of Vacancies and Scholarships, intended for the General Directorate of Higher Education.  

  • 2017 e-Participate

    A unique relationship and contact channel between the citizen/company and the Public Administration, which promotes citizenship, transparency and promptness in the public service process. It serves as a channel to collect feedback from citizens on the provision of public services, and to improve them in general.

  • 2017 Integrated School Management System for Basic Education (SIGEB)

    Provides Integrated Basic Education schools a unique model to network to a common system maximizing communication, management, and minimizing costs in basic education. 

  • 2017 SIMLAND

    A comprehensive system that enables management of acts performed in the municipality, the life cycle of buildings, recorded or not, i.e. on Land Identification Number (NIP) or on matrices, under the Municipality's responsibility. It allows Land Planning acts, building management acts, fiscal evaluation, fiscal collections, and building transactions. Furthermore, it eases the investment process. 

  • 2017 WEBSIG - National Observatory of Public Health

    Technological platform that gathers relevant data and statistical information and releases it in order to support and guide decision making and strategy definition in evidence-based public health. INSP initiative with partnerships with other institutions (NOSi, INE and INGT). 

  • 2018 Audit Court System

    Allows the processing of accountability processes of government entities with the court of auditors. 

  • 2018 Automobile Registration Information System (SIRA)

    Intended to reduce the time, circuits, and administrative procedures required to perform any act of vehicle registration on the same day, by providing online services and integration with the citizen's card, digitalizing paper support, improving knowledge and institutional capacity to use and manage technological solutions for quality service to citizens and companies. 

  • 2018 Commercial Registry Information System (SIRC)

    Integrates all business life cycle phases, from the incorporation of the company to its digitalization at the commercial registry offices. Reducing the time for the constitution of companies not covered by the "Enterprise on the Day" regime to three days. It further allows for the provision of services online, with the integration of the citizen's card. 

  • 2018 Electronic Legal Aid System (ESAJ)

    Manages payments for lawyers' and trainee lawyers' fees in legal aid, as well as nominating the lawyer responsible for legal aid and registering the processes' stages. Besides, allows to record information about the amounts payable to lawyers, validation and authorization to be paid, and integration with e-GOV for the commitment and settlement.

  • 2018 INPS – Portal

    It manages the INPS services, allowing the user or employer to register a member online, request declarations or credentials, and make inquiries about rights, benefits, contribution career, or even request a service online

  • 2018 Mail Handling

    Application for managing correspondence between different Ministries, such as Finance (including DCI and Customs). 

  • 2018 National Identification Card (CNI)

    A modern, authentic, multifunctional and highly secure document, replacing the Identity Card (BI). The card is capable of storing personal data, digital authentication, electronic transactions, and other possibilities. 

  • 2018 WebLab

    System that contributes to reducing digital exclusion, facilitating access to equipment and connectivity, knowledge and use of technologies. Furthermore, the Project supports a Learning Management System (LMS), which enables an online learning environment, making available in repositories in the cloud all kinds of content necessary for the teaching/learning process. 

  • 2019 Autentika

    Provides centralized authentication (Single Sign On Login) for all applications or systems used by the state, hence increasing the security of the state's data and operations as well as enabling a single, global view of users. All of this using the WSO2 tool, an open source tool that allows the integration of applications, which are then accessed through a single account.

  • 2019 Business Intelligence for Education

    The system's primary objective is to provide its end users access to a set of Self Service tools for business analysis. Thus, the user can connect and use information from different databases that integrate the Capeverdean Educational System in order to generate reports, check current market trends, and display all the information in a clear and objective manner through detailed results, or even complex dashboards, to support their decision making. 

  • 2019 Fiber Optic Batista de Sousa Hospital (HBS)

    To improve connectivity conditions for better service delivery, Fiber Optic has been implemented in Batista de Sousa Hospital. 

  • 2019 GOV Websites Management

    Allows registering all websites developed by NOSi, within the scope of electronic governance. 

  • 2019 IGRP Web

    Allows a wide range of application management steps: granting, development, availability, monitoring and auditing. The Low Code for no web application code development, in a tight development studio that provides automatic IGRP Studio code generation. 

  • 2019 Land Management System (SIT)

    Allows systems that manage the territory to improve their performance and meet the monitoring and evaluation purposes of the spatial planning and urban planning policy. It brought to the systems developed by NOSi and used by the State of Cabo Verde a new dimension of information, georeferenced, leaving only alphanumeric. 

  • 2019 Nha Login

    Tool developed in IGRP that allows Single Sign On Login (using data from the IGRP database). Users can access the applications they are authorized to use with a single account. 

  • 2019 Paylog

    A trading platform for the rights and obligations derived from public contracts between the State and companies. It facilitates the state’s relationship with its suppliers and service providers regarding payment of their obligations.

  • 2019 PDEX

    Consists in a layer of integration and interoperability between applications and services, providing a preforming environment that is secure, scalable, and easy to maintain. 

  • 2019 Tourism Information Management System (SGIT)

    Enables access to complete and relevant information, whether about tourism activity in general terms, or indicators that assist in investment selection, evaluation of the effectiveness of tourism promotion, entrepreneurship, and international benchmarking. 

  • 2020 Airfare Compensation Platform

    Designed to create greater transparency and better administration of the entire process, from citizen registration, beneficiary approval, and subsidy payment to the operators through the state treasury. It guarantees to the air carriers the payment of a subsidy on the price of each air ticket issued in favor of passengers who are national citizens.     

  • 2020 Mobile Digital Key (CMDCV)

    To simplify both citizens' and companies' lives concerning their relationship with the State. A simple Online Authentication and Digital Signature means, which allows signing, renewing documents and dealing with bureaucratic matters, in a quick and safe way, certified by the Cape Verdean State. Through Single Sign On (SSO), the user can make just one login, avoiding unnecessary memorization of passwords and associating a cell phone number with the civil identification number for national citizens, or the Residence Permit for Foreigners (TRE). It is composed by a permanent password, chosen and changeable by the citizen, as well as a numerical code of unique and temporary use for each authentication. 

  • 2020 Rural Infrastructure Management

    Geographical Information System for the Program for the Promotion of Rural Socioeconomic Opportunities (POSER). In order to massify the use of new ICT's, improving the quality of service delivery, the performance of the daily functions of employees, gathering relevant statistical and spatial data and information and its dissemination. The aim is to support and guide decision-making and define strategies for dynamic queries by attributes and location, resulting in thematic maps for spatial analysis of conditions under the POSER. 

  • 2021 Consular Portal

    It is an aggregator of government services, with innovations and improvements allowing any citizen, wherever may be, to access quickly and safely the multiple services available on the platform.

  • 2021 NHA CARD - Cabo Verde Covid Certificate

    Cabo Verde's digital certificate that securely stores all types of health certificates. Initially, because of the pandemic, Covid vaccination, testing and recovery certificates will be available for deconfinement and economic recovery. 

  • 2021 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

    It is responsible to ensure full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation by all participants of the of Public Key Infrastructures (PKI), supporting the issuance of certificates, management of the certificate lifecycle, processing, protocols and specific ceremonies for each operation and issuance of various types of certificates, administrative and access management functions. 

NOSi Status

In 2014, through Decree-Law No. 13/2014, the Núcleo Operacional da Sociedade de Informação (Nucleus Operational of the Information Society) was transformed into a Public Enterprise Entity, abbreviated to NOSI, E.P.E.

The changes introduced were intended primarily to consolidate the vocation embraced by NOSi in the national context, in the Digital Governance and Knowledge Society area, as well as with the pressing need to restructure its structures and organizational model, in order to provide greater agility in its operation and greater efficiency in its action, taking advantage of existing synergies and adjusting them to the mission that NOSi aims to pursue, as well as the human and financial resources available.