Board of Directors
Degree in Organization and Information Systems - Lisbon; Post-Graduation in Technologies Engineering and Management Post-Graduation in Technologies Engineering and Management, Portugal

Main functions performed:
• Coordinator of the Technologies, Innovation and Communication Unit of the Ministry of Finance of Cabo Verde;
• Chairman of the Audit Board of INE Cabo Verde;
• Special Advisor to the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde for Innovation and Communication Affairs;
• Senior Technician of INE Portugal;
• Responsible for the Information System in the Embassy of Cabo Verde in Portugal.

Carlos Tavares Pina

President of Board of Directors

Degree in Graphic Design and Advertising from ESEIG - The Higher School of Hotel and Tourism of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto; Master's degree in Management with a specialty in Technology, from BSU - Bridgewater State University

Main Functions Performed:
• Manager of Casa do Cidadão;
• Executive Administrator of NOSi.

Mayra Silva

Executive Administrator

Degree in Computer Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Main Functions Performed:
• Network and Communications and Access Director - NOSi;
• Coordinator of Support and Hardware Department - NOSi.

Lumumba Barbosa

Executive Administrator

Former Administrators
Frequency of the PhD Program in Mathematics at the Univ. of Aveiro; M.Sc. in Physics from Ball State University, USA; MSc in Mathematics from Ball State University, USA; BcS in Ocean Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Florida Board of Professional Engineers, USA

Main functions performed:
• CEO of Escola do Mar;
• Senior ICT Consultant for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister;
• CEO of NOSi, public company for the development of state e-Government;
• Professor of Physics and Mathematics at UNICV - Public University of Cabo Verde;
• President of the IFH, national housing institute;
• Minister of Infrastructures and Telecommunications of Cabo Verde.

António Joaquim Rocha Mendes Fernandes

President of Board of Directors

Degree in Law, legal branch - Universidade Clássica de Lisboa, Portugal

Main functions performed:
• Senior Finance Technician, level III, on the private staff of the Treasury, with legal - financial advice, provided to various departments of Finance and Planning;
• General Director of Administration of the Ministry of Finance and Planning (MFP);
• National Director of the Cabo Verdean Public Administration;
• Advisor to the Office of the Minister of MFP;
• Director General of MFP Studies Office;
• Coordination of the agreement with IMF - Policy Support Instrument;
• Non-Executive Director of Cabo Verde Stock Exchange;
• President of the MCA-CV Consultative Council;
• Executive Secretary of the State Reform Coordination Unit;
•Executive Director of NOSI- EPE from 2016 to 2019.

Carlos Manuel Barreto dos Santos

Executive Director

Degree in Computer Science - University of Dallas/ Stony Brook University of New York; Post-graduation in Innovation Management - Erasmus University - Rotterdam

Main functions performed:
• Director General of Telecommunications and Digital Economy;
• Executive Director of NOSi;
• Database Department Coordinator;
• Business / Project Manager. 

Aruna Handem

Executive Director

Electrical Engineer and Master in Strategic Direction and Innovation Management

Main functions performed:
• Professional Consultant for the areas of Electronic Governance, ICT and Telecommunications;
• Manager of the Operational Nucleus of the Information Society - NOSi (2003 - 2016);
• Consultant for the areas of Infrastructure and Transport and Information Systems Management;
• Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Company of Airports and Air Safety - ASA;
• Minister of Infrastructures and Transport.

Jorge Lopes Delgado Lima


1998 - 2016

With a trajectory of 33 years in the Information and Communication Technologies sector, dispersed in Europe and Africa, enriched in the public and private sector, he acquired a wide technical and leadership experience which allowed him to acquire a Transversal domain of the ICT sector and to assume visionary and Strategic responsibilities in different Companies such as the Multinationals ICL, FUJITSU, COFACE and UNITEL, besides the long experience in Electronic Governance either in RAFE/NOSI or exercising consultancies in several African Countries.

Hélio Africano Varela

Technical Coordinator

Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon; Post-Graduation in Industrial Engineering by LNETI - Lisbon; Post-Graduate degree in Statistics and Information Management from ISEGI - Lisbon

Main functions performed:
• General Director of Cabo Verde Television;
• General Director of Transcor;
• Director of the Cabo Verde Post Office;
• Director of Subsidiaries in the Promoter;
• General Coordinator of UC_RAFE;
• President of the Executive Committee of INPS;
• Non-executive Director of CECV.

José Augusto Rocha Mendes Fernandes

General Coordinator of UC_RAFE