On this Tuesday, February 7, the Ministry of Justice and NOSi promoted, in Praia, the second workshopon Justice Information System. It has as it main objective was to introduce system operators to the advantages and functionalities of the new version of SIJ, as well as collection of subsidies for the continuation of the implementation of the System.
The ceremony was presided over by Mrs. Minister of Justice, Joana Rosa, and among those present the President of the Constitutional Court, the Attorney General of the Republic, the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the Bar Association, the representative of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, the Vice-President of the Superior Council of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the National Director of the National Police. The NOSi team was led by NOSi Administrator, Mayra Silva.
The platform was presented by the SIJ technical team, led by the product manager, Benvindo Costa, by the magistrate, Judge Antero Tavares, however, other important interventions and sharing were made, such as the jurist Simão Monteiro. In addition to demonstrating the robust and secure architecture of this new version, this opportunity was the occasion for discussions and the gathering of valuable feedback by the SIJ team, for the continuous improvement and adequacy of the system, currently at an advanced stage of development for operationalization.
The guests were also able to understand how digitization facilitated the procedures of relationship between the diaspora and public services in Cabo Verde through the consular portal regarding the issuance of documents such as passports and CNI, certificates, criminal records, etc. This information was shared by the Cabo Verde Embassy by the Digital Diaspora Project Leader, Octávio Correia.
The first workshop of the SIJ took place on January 11 in Mindelo.