NOSi participates in the Forum of Municipal Cooperation of Lusophony

NOSi participated, on July 7, Thursday, in São Vicente, in the III Forum of Municipal Cooperation of Lusophony, under the theme "Local Development and the Location of the SDGs, A Vision Based on the Digital Transition Process of Territories".

The institution was represented by the Executive Administrator, Mayra Silva, who, as a speaker, presented the topic: The digital transition of the Municipalities: Metaverse - Virtual Reality, assisted by technicians Adilson Cabral and Carlos Graça.

The occasion served to share the path of the Municipalities management platform (SIM vs simple) and the vision of NOSi taking into account the global trend of emerging technologies that is increasingly converging the real world of the virtual and also for NOSi to present the demo of the virtual reality project developed, with the island of Maio as a pilot project

7/8/22 6:05 PM
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