Introducing the igrpweb open source platform to the Bonako Company.

On 23 and 24 August, Bonako hosted an NOSi team at its facilities in the city of Praia, for a sharing session on the open source igrpweb platform, carried out by Product Manager Brocy Centeio and Project Manager igrpweb Francisco Horta.

Evandro Vaz, Project Manager and Cloud Infrastructure Manager at Bonako, showed interest and willing, to briefly explore the use of the open source igrpweb framework in the development of its solutions.

Ivandro Ribeiro, Creative Director of Bonako, added that the platform is important for any private sector company. I think that with access to the platform, we will be able to build better tools than the ones already built. If we had the open source igrpweb back then, we could have built even bigger platforms."


8/25/22 1:30 PM
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