9th Conference for Climate and Development in Africa (CCDA). NOSi participates as a Gold Partner

Cabo Verde hosted from 13 to 17 September the 9th Conference on Climate and Development in Africa (CCDA), the largest event on this theme on the African continent, under the theme "A Just Transition for a Resilient Green and Blue Recovery". NOSi was privileged to participate, as a Gold Partner, in this important event, represented by the Director of the Data Center, Luís Correia, and by the Executive Director, Lumumba Babosa. The latter, as a speaker on the panel "Leveraging technology to catalyze urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts".

In this domain, NOSi has assumed the commitment to bet on Energy Transition, specifically solar solutions for Cape Verde's Data Centers, aiming to progressively mitigate investments in conventional energy generation.

9/23/21 10:26 AM
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